The refueling arm of NASA’s Restore-L Servicer utilizes SECO7, 37-conical seals. Following is a short excerpt from NASA Space Tech, released on June 23, 2016, regarding this project. “…In May, NASA officially moved forward with plans to execute the ambitious, technology-rich Restore-L mission, an endeavor to launch a robotic spacecraft in 2020 to refuel a live satellite…”
“…Beyond refueling, the Restore-L mission also carries another, weighty objective: to test other crosscutting technologies that have applications for several critical upcoming NASA missions. As the Restore-L servicer rendezvous with, grasps, refuels, and relocates a client spacecraft, NASA will be checking important items off of its technology checklist that puts humans closer to Mars exploration.”

In that same article, Frank Cepollina, “…leader of the five crewed servicing missions to the Hubble Space Telescope…” stated that “Restore-L effectively breaks the paradigm of one-and-done spacecraft…”
Click here to read more about NASA’s Restore-L Mission to Refuel Landsat 7.