SOAR is the “Student Organization for Aerospace Research” out of the University of Calgary. It is the leading aerospace team at the university, making NOS-Paraffin hybrid rockets.
Ben Hewitt, Captain of the SOAR team said that “With amazing sponsors like SECO Seals we’re able to make competition winning rockets, that win categories and competitions at Spaceport America Cup and Launch Canada. SECO Seals are used on all our JIC connections throughout both our fill system, and the vehicle itself. These provide valuable life to our fittings so they are not damaged, and seal properly throughout the system.”
SOAR is “… pleased to have organized, and held the first experimental launch of a sounding rocket with the Canadian Association of Rocketry, this is the Canadian equivalent of the Tripoli” Rocketry Association.
Per Ben, “SECO Seals provides SOAR with an amazing opportunity to increase the longevity of our system for future generations of students.”

SOAR Ouroboros Rocket Launch Video
Click here to watch the video of the rocket launch.