March 29, 2025
1370 Logan Ave, Ste K, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Conical Seal into the Boss Design

Historical SECO SEALS document – Post  3 is a 3-page report presenting “Voi-Shan’s “Fitting” Solution to Sealing Problems” along with offering “the Scott Connector System, which is a lightweight small envelope replacement for present flared and flareless fittings.” “Voi-Shans latest fitting design is a superior replacement for the present AND 10050 Boss design that eliminates the use of the rubber “O” ring by incorporating the Conical Seal into the Boss. This is accomplished by a shorter controlled depth due to the removal of the “O” ring, while still allowing use with the standard AN fittings. Advantages of the new design are:

  1. Increase of the temperature spectrum from the -40 degree-F to +400 degree-F to -420 degree-F to +1500 degree-F range.
  2. Extended valve life; Due to greater resistance to temperatures in Cyrogenic and Radiation applications.”