March 26, 2025
1370 Logan Ave, Ste K, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

UCLA Rocket Project

Blake S. Spahr, is the Project Lead of UCLA Rocket Project’s liquid bipropellant rocket team for the 2022/2023 academic year. This year, their team is building off of the system improvements made last year. SECO SEALS donation and support last year led to their first ever year with no major issues with fluid leaks during any of the propulsion tests. Blake worked directly on the propulsion feed system and in his words, “using your product made my job so much easier and our final product much more robust and leak-proof.” Blake used our aluminum SECO7A conical seals and again in his words, “they worked perfectly for our application …

If you would like to read the “White Paper” that Blake wrote, click below to view or download the PDF.

If you would like to see a video of the UCLA Rocket Project ARES Static Fire on November 5th, 2022, you can watch it here.