“The Yellow Jacket Space Program (YJSP) is a student organization at Georgia Tech working hard to develop liquid-propellant rocket systems. Our mission is to design, construct, and fly a liquid-fueled rocket to the Karman Line, the official edge of space 100 km above the Earth.”
According to Jurist Chan, one of the chief engineers of YJSP, they have launched three rockets and fire countless engines using our copper SECO7 conical seals in their propulsion systems. “Next year, we will launch two more rockets, one of which will go to space. Beyond these ambitions, we are also dedicated to providing high-quality, industry-level education to students. Your seals have helped numerous students learn about complex fluids systems (and the importance of proper sealing!) and landed them jobs in industry. Additionally, “…Almost everything we do is student-designed, built, and tested – from our engines, in-house valves, fins, and tanks…”