The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) promotes the art, science and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe.
ASME B46.1
This standard is concerned with the geometric irregularities of surfaces. It defines surface texture and its constituents: roughness, waviness, and lay. It also defines parameters for specifying surface texture. The terms and ratings in this Standard relate to surfaces produced by such means as abrading, casting, coating, cutting, etching, plastic deformation, sintering, wear, erosion, etc.
ASME Y14.36M
This standard establishes the method to designate controls for surface texture of solid materials. It includes methods for controlling roughness, waviness, and lay by providing a set of symbols for use on drawings, specifications, or other documents.
This standard presents a mathematical definition of geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T)consistent with the principles and practices of ASME Y14.5m-1994, enabling determination of actual values.